Wednesday, June 26, 2019

About me blogging experience

Hello everybody today I'm going to write about of me blogging experience in the subject English. When I heard about to write bloggs I think that was some strange metod for practice english and I don't know what suppose I must to do but now I think that experience can help me to remember some words and how  try to explain some theme and something that help me so much was when the miss learn us how we must to write a blogg because I think that is something completely necessary for the future when someone need to express your ideas and the people can understand.
Another experience that I like so much was to write about of our favorite photography because that made me remember my life and the things that I value like some important and the people that was there and made me life so happy. That was a nice day for me.
Maybe another choice for practice english it's do a story or made an opinion about some theme and not only of experience in the life. Maybe try to do a newspaper with a crossword or riddle also can be both and that newspaper it's about a theme for forester.
Thanks for reading me


  1. haha sometimes try to explain some topics on the posts was difficult to me :( my favourite post was to write about our favourite photography too, so many good memories on these post :3

  2. hahah the post of the favourite photograpy it was very cool


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