Friday, December 4, 2020

Change Climate and Society

Hello everyone, today I’m going to write of the climate change and society. The climate change is something that was affecting in the planet so much in the last years, this happen for the global warming that raise the temperatura of the planet by the effect of the greenhouse gases in the citys and countrys and provoking varations in the climate. This is something made by the human and that made a acceleration this varation of cold and warmer temperatura.

What cause the climate change?

The climate change is caused by the greenhouse gases, that keep warmer the temperatura of the planet, in this gases we can hava carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), halogen compounds, nitrogen oxides and other, all this thas is provoked by burning fossil fuels for electricity generation, trnasportation, heating, industry and building. Also caused by livesstock, agricultura, the wastewater treatment and landfills and other. Another cause is the destruction of terrestrial ecisystems and deforestation, in the last years the destruction of jungle and forest made the decrease of hectare of this and that is a problema because this jungles and forests have the function of natural carbon sinks that through photosynthesis absorb CO2 and retirn oxigen to the atmosphere and that help to reduce the emanation of greenhouse gases. This causes have the similarity that are driven by social deman, and that is caused for the exponential increase of the population because a growing population requires more and more resources for subsist, whitch accelerates the increase in greehouse gas emissions in all production processes.

Consequences of climate change

This global increase in temperature has disastrous consequences that endanger the survival of the Earth's flora and fauna, including humans. Among the impacts of climate change, the melting of the ice mass at the poles stands out, which in turn causes the rise in sea level, which produces floods and threatens the coastal shores.

Climate change also increases the occurrence of more violent weather events, droughts, fires, the death of animal and plant species, the overflowing of rivers and lakes, the appearance of climate refugees and the destruction of livelihoods and economic resources. The main observed environmental effects are the following:

-        Changes in ecosystems and desertification

-        Meltin of the poles and rising of the sea level

-        Acification of the oceans

-        Species extinction

As we can see, the climate change have influence by human actions and that is caused because the society want to find the amenity of ours house. Is this objective that made without knowing it the acceleration of the climate change, but in the last years the human know more of the function of planet and how to take care of it and more people want to make a change for try to heal the planet.

1 comment:

  1. Progression Assessment:

    All tasks have been effectively uploaded.
    On the whole the biggest issue to keep on improving is adequacy of lexical items since at times, they may confuse reader.
    It has been clear that the biggest improvement, along the writing process, has been related to text structure and cohesion. Still grammar range might be broaden up.

    Progression Grade: 5.0
    Completion Grade: 7.0
    Final Grade: 6.0


Change Climate and Society

Hello everyone, today I’m going to write of the climate change and society. The climate change is something that was affecting in the planet...